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Saturday, January 03, 2009

Seriously? A Race War? Over Roland Burris.

So, after watching the mess that was Blago's last press conference, i was grossed out. We, as African-Americans, on the heels of our biggest victory in American History are going to let Rod Blagojevich become the architect of our next race war? And now? After Bobby Rush championed Mr. Burris, tap-danced for him (http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/12/30/burris.transcript/) - he wants to take this to the Congressional Black Caucus? What do you think? I think it's a mess and we need to drop it. As a Black person, we now know that we don't have to shuck and jive for a Senate seat, so let's quit.

Mr. Burris, grow some dignity, and a spine and leave it alone. Mr. Rush, please take some time away. Run, don't walk away from Blago, leave the CBC out of it. Give our new President an inauguration gift and go home, sit down and cheer from afar. You've done enough.

1 comment:

'Yar Mama said...

Happy New Year.