About Me

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Working hard. Playing Harder.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

I am over. I am done. Vacation is nice, but I am on to full-fledged boredom, complete ennui. The presents have been wrapped, the dinner has been made, I have overeated, my Mom has thrown a tantrum, and my brothers are avoiding real life. I can't watch any more "Oprah." I watch the TV news twice a day, and don't even put on real shoes. I am not getting any skinnier or making anymore money. The funny thing is...I have plenty or work to do, but I would rather play the Sims 2 and pretend that I don't have work to do, weight to lose, or money to make.

Happy New Year (I'll be celebrating in DC)
Staying in denial until 2006.


Friday, December 23, 2005

Right now I am "chillin hard" at home. It's kind of nice. I ate lime-flavored tostitos, rasberry cheesecake, bran muffins and spicy tuna. Accordingly, I feel quite sick right now. But, my Christmas shopping is complete. More importantly, I find that my house is the only place where I can really read to my heart's delight. I am reading "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. It is a masterpiece about the last 40 years of Afghan history. I highly recommend this book to those of you who want a firsthand account of the demise of a culture. I don't have a book picked for next week, but I will keep you posted.

Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Thank GOD. My econ. final is over. Now all I have is statistics. Did I mention I took up belly dancing yesterday? I have the belly for it. But, once or twice a month I try to incorporate fitness into my schedule. I am trying to start pre-NEw YEar instead of right at the new year. But I will keep you posted on how it goes. Back to work.

BTW, I only watched one episode, but "Nip/Tuck" is a really twisted, highly-addictive show. Check it out, you will see what I mean.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

SAd. Tookie's appeals were rejected. I can't really believe he is being executed. I suppose he should have apologized. I always say please and thank you. But, murdering four people with a sawed-off shotgun is serious.

I am so tired today, but I realizedthat the more I stay at the KSG, the more I like the people here. I think that is good. I have a final tomorrow, so I must turn in, but I swear I had something to say. I asked the boy out to lunch - no response thus far, but here's today's quote:

People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them. - George Bernard Shaw

I agree. Good Night


Saturday, December 10, 2005

Alright, so I WAS trying to be more zen, but that went out the window. I am hosting some friend for brunch at my house and I think I made WAY too much food, WAY too much. Now, at the 11th hour, people are bailing, which is ok. They just don't know how good it will be, they will make it next year, that's for sure. Anyway, I am still hyperventilating, but I know the guy I kinda like won't be there, so that alleviates some pressure. He is so nice, y'all. Although he is way private and a little socially awkward, he's just so damn cute. I always feel so much better about life after talking to him. I also leave confused, I am going to work the friend angle - he's awesome and after talking to him, I feel awesome. He laughs at all my jokes. But, I won't stress, too much, right now, yet.
Back to reality, my ipod headphones crapped out, my futon frame broke (it's been going for awhile - since my 300+, 6'4" brother jumped on it), and my head is blazing. But, because my friend said brunch will be great, brunch will be great. I'll give you the update tomorrow.

So much for being zen.

~(alias forthcoming)

Thursday, December 08, 2005

So, I didn't go away, I just changed addresses. You may have known me as the blogger behind www.wackline.blogspot.com. That alias has died. There are people that knew me then that don't need to keep up with me now. Also, that blog "Damsel on the Move," linked to an article about a program near and dear to my heart and, I didn't want anyone to confuse me with the program mission. My ethics teacher would be so proud to know I averted this mini-crisis. Anyhow, into the new year, I am trying to become more zen and an overall better person (we'll see how this goes). So, welcome to the blog. I hope you enjoy what I have to say and don't forget to "hollaback" at me.

Talk to you soon,